making sense - Komentāri [ieraksti | vēsture | ko es lasu | par mani]

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19. Sep 2020|20:02

Izdomāju izklaidēties uzspēlējot AI Dungeon. Stāsts sākās ar raganu, kas dzīvo purva būdā, turpinājās ar visas karaļvalsts cīņu pret pūķim bet beigas sanāca šāds crossover as sci-fi.

You decide to go on a suicide mission to kill the dragon. You fly on your broomstick to the mountain where the dragon resides. You sneak up to its cave and see it sleeping inside. You have a plan.
You go back and get a barrel of gunpowder.
> You strap bushels with the gunpowder to your wrist. If the dragon attacks you with flame, the explosion will kill you both. You enter the cave and yell "AAA!" to attract the dragon's attention.
The dragon wakes up and sees you. It releases a burst of flame. You release the barrels.
The explosion is tremendous.
You are killed instantly, but it doesn't stop there. The dragon is killed too. The entire mountain explodes, and the force of the explosion is so great that it causes a chain reaction.
The entire mountain range explodes. The force of the explosion is so great that it causes a chain reaction.
The entire continent explodes. The force of the explosion is so great that it causes a chain reaction.
The entire world explodes. The force of the explosion is so great that it causes a chain reaction.
The entire universe explodes.
> You observe this with calm.
The entire multiverse explodes.
You observe this with calm.
The entire omniverse explodes.
You observe this with calm.
There is nothing left but the void.
> You float in the void.
You are the void.
You have achieved nothingness.
You have no emotions.
You have no feelings.
You have no senses.
You have no experience.
You are nothing.

(Šis nav pirmais variants pašām beigām, tad bija pat veiksmīgāks - pēc "You float in the void" izrādījās, ka visu šo laiku esmu bijis brain in the jar, kas tagad jau apdomā savu nākošo projektu.)
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