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[26. Mar 2020|11:25]
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saiteatstāt nospiedumu

[User Picture]
Date:26. Marts 2020 - 13:20
Šī nav tēma apspriešanai. Man žurnāls nav vieta, kur izplatīt potenciāli maldinošu informāciju par būtiskām medicīniskām tēmām.

Starp citu, no twitera tu būtu izbanots:

Broadening our definition of harm to address content that goes directly against guidance from authoritative sources of global and local public health information.

  • Denial of global or local health authority recommendations to decrease someone’s likelihood of exposure to COVID-19 with the intent to influence people into acting against recommended guidance, such as: “social distancing is not effective”, or actively encouraging people to not socially distance themselves in areas known to be impacted by COVID-19.

  • Specific claims around COVID-19 information that intends to manipulate people into certain behavior.

[User Picture]
Date:26. Marts 2020 - 13:38
Prieks dzirdēt. Tagad fuck off!
Date:27. Marts 2020 - 09:31
Tieši tu, morālais kreisais kropli, esi tas, kurš izplata maldinošu informāciju un pats realizē un aicina uz citu viedokļu cenzūru, kā jau tas raksturīgi kreisajiem totalitāristiem.
Tādi kā tu daudz kaitīgāki civilizācijai nekā Covid-19.