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Veel mazliet.. [02 Sep 2005|08:02am]
[ mood | working ]
[ music | Gerry Rafferty - Baker Street ]

Veel tikai shodienu nodziivot un paardziivot.

Well, another crazy day
you'll drink the night away
and forget about everything.

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Laipni luugti weekendaa!!! [02 Sep 2005|06:10pm]
[ mood | energetic ]
[ music | klusums ]

Saturiigu, baudaamu un dziljdomiigu poustu shodien nebuus. Adrenaliina liimenis stipri paarsniedz vispaarpienjemto.. Dodos iztakoties.

From Paris to Berlin,
and every disco I get in,
my heart is pumping for love,
pumping for love,
'Cause when I'm thinking of you,
And all the things we could do,
my heart is pumping for love

Patience is a game,
and every night I say your name,
Hoping that you'll answer
'cause I'm going insane...

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[ viewing | September 2nd, 2005 ]
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