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[01 Sep 2004|07:45am]
[ mood | normāls ]
[ music | Prāta Vētra - Īssavienojums ]

jāsaka lielais Labrīt! :)
sveicu visus ar Pirmo skolas dienu! :)
ok es skrienu uz dušu un tad uz skolu..

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[01 Sep 2004|07:11pm]
Take the quiz: "Poseur or Punk"

Your nothing.You have your own style.
You are nothing.You have your own style and people should respect that.You dont have a care in the world.
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[01 Sep 2004|09:23pm]
eu kaads ies uz to the rasmus utt. konci?
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[01 Sep 2004|10:22pm]
Take the quiz: "Which Slipknot Single Are You?"

Spit it Out
You are Spit it Out from the Slipknot (Self-Titled) album. You are pissed off. You wish people would stop making everything so complicated. Please don't hurt me.
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[ viewing | September 1st, 2004 ]
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