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:( May. 7th, 2004|04:48 pm


Stulbie viirusi. bet labaak neizteikshos, ko domaaju par lietotaajiem, kuri atver veestules ar shaadiem textiem:

·          Does it hurt you?
·          Do you have written the letter?
·          Do you have more photos about you?
·          Do you have more samples?
·          Wow! Why are you so shy?
·          You have no chance...
·          Are your numbers correct?
·          I've found your creditcard. Check the data!
·          Do you have asked me?
·          Do you have no money?
·          True love letter?
·          The text you sent to me is not so good!
·          Your pictures are good!
·          Hey, are you criminal?
·          Why do you show your body?
·          I've your password. Take it easy!
·          Still?
·          How can I help you?
·          Please use the font arial!

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