Flēra - May 13th, 2011 [entries|friends|archive]

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May 13th, 2011

[May. 13th, 2011|09:17 am]
La la-la-la-Laura - she said her name
Winked her eye, started out the game
La-la-la-la Laura the banjo girl
Who was she? What did she play?
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[May. 13th, 2011|09:55 am]
Piektdiena, trīspadsmitais.
Es gan lasīju, ka autovadītājiem pēc statistikas esot bīstamāka ceturtdiena, 13.
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pārstrādājos [May. 13th, 2011|08:50 pm]
Acu daktere mani iepriecināja, uz manas radzenes saskaitot 6 čūliņas.
Tagad, galvenais, lai nepaliekot rētiņas.
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