Flēra - December 6th, 2004 [entries|friends|archive]

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December 6th, 2004

[Dec. 6th, 2004|01:31 pm]
Nu, patiesība mēs visi esam stulbi. Pēc kāda cita subjektīvā vērtējuma.
Tas tā, TrZ pousta ietekmē.
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[Dec. 6th, 2004|09:46 pm]
bāc, nekas nestrādā!

UPD johaidii, pat vannaa netek tik karsts uudens, kaa man gribeetos!

nebuus miera man, nebuus.. sasitu spuldziiti.. viss vienos stiklos un tumsha istaba:(
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[Dec. 6th, 2004|09:46 pm]
Visi depresiivie tagad iesleedz LTV1...
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[Dec. 6th, 2004|09:46 pm]
You have the Goya girl look. A Goya girl had an air
of extreme elegance and sophistication. They
liked richness of every kind. The artists
excelled in painting brocades and tapestry,
cloth of gold and silver, gauzy fabrics and
black lace. You could have modeled for the
great Spanish painters, such as Valasquez and
Goya. Both were painters to the royal court of

'Pretty As A Picture' - Which Artist Would Paint You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Goija man iipashs "Forsaitu teikas" deelj..
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