Flēra - September 13th, 2004 [entries|friends|archive]

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September 13th, 2004

trauma uz muuzhu [Sep. 13th, 2004|09:35 am]
Viirietis atveera durvis, ieraudziija mani, iekliedzaas "aarrpraaats!" un aizcirta durvis ciet!! Jāpiebilst, ka vinsh par šo prieku samaksaaja 10s;)

Vai man arii jaapiebilst ka tas notika kaada lielveikala tualetee?;)
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[Sep. 13th, 2004|10:09 am]

Meklēju Stepfordas viiru sveetdienu vakariem!;))

p.s. filma bija ok, es atpuutos:)


Un veel - bankomaats bija ljoti "user frendly':)
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man patikaas [Sep. 13th, 2004|11:31 am]

no TVNET )

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[Sep. 13th, 2004|01:33 pm]

Take the quiz: "Method of Suicide"

You don't have the guts for anything grusome. Your method of suicide is Drug OverDose.


Vispaar taisniiba;)

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[Sep. 13th, 2004|03:12 pm]

Leta apraksta Maara Gulbja kaazas, uzskaita viesus un izklaides, bet aizmirst vienu siikumu - uzrakstiit ar ko tad iisti vinsh precas..;)

relize )

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