again and again..   
12:08am 30/05/2003
  Morning, Legs, Slippers, the Crane, Breakfast, Money To be put in the Pocket, Legs, the Door, To walk, Since morning, Beer, the Vodka, Two, Buckets, Noise, Head, To fall, Lay, Legs, Hands, the House, the Bed, Poorly, Night, Darkly, the Dope, Morning, Legs, Slippers, the Crane..  
to be continued..   
12:15am 30/05/2003
  In the world there are no perpetuums mobile, but there are eternal brakes...  
12:22am 30/05/2003
  me wanna die this night.. it's so familiar..  
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forget about life..   
07:07pm 30/05/2003
mood: dead
music: David Usher - Black Black Heart
it's a new beginning of the millenium in my desteny.. sometimes it's easier to die, but not to take all those things, that other people take for granted.. so much problems in such a short life.. 17 years already passed.., and if only i could turn the time for 4 years ago, and live another life.. it won't be me.. propably it'd be better.. so far i've made a lot of mistakes.. now the school has been finnished, and for everybody it's the beginning of summertime.. but for me, it's a new LEVEL in my difficult game.. cops, drugs, alcohol, money.. all that leeds to the dead end of the road.. every single day.. i want to get out of this.. but now it's impossible..
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