
paralelograms≠kubs - March 5th, 2009
March 5th, 2009
- 3/5/09 10:29 am
- jāskenē papīrji.
- 3/5/09 06:19 pm
- Why is anarchy a possibility?
Because we begin to understand that we have delegated too much, believed too much in the daddy state, which protects us, and gives us such security (or the delusion of it) and puts us to sleep (in the best cases) or which exploits us (in the worst, and unfortunately more frequent cases). The daddy state also puts to sleep our capacity to think, to revolt, to manage our lives, because it promises everything and gives us practically nothing. Maybe it is easier, and even more comfortable, to delegate than to think.
Esther Ferrer's letter to John Cage
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