
(bez virsraksta)

Sep. 10., 2019 | 01:43 pm
No:: f3

Alright, so, I want you guys to clip this, and I want you to put it EVERYWHERE, you guys ready? I want you guys to clip what I'm about to say, and I want you to put it fucking everywhere. I want you to clip what I'm gonna say AND put it everywhere, okay? Here's something I want you guys to hear. If you are offended by something I said, I don't give a shit, ever again. I don't give a fuck how offended you are, I don't give a fuck. If you don't like something I said, I don't give a fuck anymore, I don't care, okay? Buy a fucking pillow, cry into that shit, I don't care. Keep it to your fuckin self, okay? If you don't like something I said, I don't care, if I offend your fuckin sensibilities, I don't care! Get a fucking therapist, I don't care! Now if something I said hurts you, damages you, that's different. That's different. If I say something that hurts you, damages you, that's different. But if you're offended, it's okay that you're offended, grow the fuck up! I don't like your opinion, grow the fuck up! Grow the fuck up! Who gives a shit? I'm just... I'm fucking done with people who are offended, and I'm DEFINITELY done with the people who pretend to be offended! Go fuck yourselves! You know what I'm saying? That's just my opinion, once again that's just my opinion. COULD be wrong, but...

So bring it, but I want you to know, I think you're the lowest of the lows. I think you are the worst of the worst. I think there are rapists and Nazis out there, who, even though they are rapists and FUCKIN Nazis, they are more redeemable than you, because at least they're doing something they fuckin believe in. They may be pieces of garbage, they may be pieces of shit, they may harm other people, but at least they believe what they fucking stand for. You stand for NOTHING! You stand for NOTHING! Even a disgusting piece of shit rapist is better than you. Even a piece of shit racist garbage Nazi is better than you! You are the worst... and that's what I think.

These are the people that revel in destruction. These are the people that enjoy destroying people's lives, enjoying destroying individuals, online creators, anybody. These are the people that just... play the joker in real life and want to watch the world burn. I do think these people are worse than Nazis, I do think these people are worse than rapists, I do think these are the worst people that exist in the world. You don't like me because of that opinion, that's fine, but I can tell you this, fuck those people. I would rather meet a fuckin Nazi. I would rather meet a rapist, than somebody out there who just enjoys destroying lives because it's their fuckin hobby. It's my opinion, and I'm stickin too it.

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