when she cries out her voice dies out -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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[02 Jul 2003|11:16am]
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[02 Jul 2003|12:34pm]
[ mood | Ķirsīgs ]

Ķirši ir viena ellīgi garšīga padarīšana :DDD

1 comment|post comment

[02 Jul 2003|12:44pm]
Poll #396 khm
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

Vai vezmaaminja apvainosies ja bik nokaveeshu vaardadienas svineeshanu vinajs?

View Answers

1 (5.9%)

4 (23.5%)

Tik un taa iemetiis diivaanaa, iedos kuuku, un ,lix smaidiigai seedeet.
12 (70.6%)

Iespers pa pakalju un teix- seedi meitinj, seedi
4 (23.5%)

2 (11.8%)

9 comments|post comment

[02 Jul 2003|07:05pm]
i've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone
and though you're still with me
i've been alone all along
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[ viewing | July 2nd, 2003 ]
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