when she cries out her voice dies out -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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[28 Apr 2003|07:13am]
Apm pus12 aizmigu...
1piecēlos no mobīlš pīxtēšanas...
ap pus5 aizmigu...
Ir labāk ka es zinu..

....nāk miegs....
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[28 Apr 2003|07:29am]
It'll never be the same again

it can be
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[28 Apr 2003|03:37pm]
[info]fate tnx ka Tu man esi, un tnx... pati saproti...
kushsh ;)
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[28 Apr 2003|04:27pm]
Vampii biudes :DDD
23 comments|post comment

[28 Apr 2003|04:43pm]
hardest word
6 comments|post comment

[28 Apr 2003|08:51pm]
Saki kautko,- paliks labāk
11 comments|post comment

[ viewing | April 28th, 2003 ]
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