Estapenss - Post a comment
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09:02 pm estapens[Link] | Networking is boring, mostly because for me it's without context or immediate use. Boring. Plus course is like 4 years old.
We the wire in in the stripper.
Pipes can bleed electric signal out of the wire.
Interestingly, how switch and routers works.
Test cable by looking into and seeing if lights are glowing.
Router - device that will do the best part determination and send you out somewhere.
TCP/IP - IPX/SPX IPX/SPX was the de facto standard for DOS-era multi-user network games. Created for DOS. //huh, this why I cared to look this up.
Getaway can operate at any of OSI levels.
Port mirroring - copy all traffic to another stream to be used, for example for IDS.[Intrusion detection system]
OSPF - routes including bandwidth. RIP - just shortest amount hops
static - it breaks, you must fix it. dynamic - it beaks, if there is a way to get there you may avoid fixing.
cmd netstat -a - all connections and ports. //IP adresses not hostnames
IP/TCP 7 Flags A, ACK- (Acknowledge) The receiver will send an ACK that equals the senders sequence number plus the Len, or amount of data, at the TCP layer. SYN, and FIN flags count as 1 byte. The ACK can also be thought of as the sequence number of the next octet the receiver expects to receive. S, SYN- Synchronize is used during session setup to agree on initial sequence numbers. Sequence numbers are random. F, FIN- Finish is used during a graceful session close to show that the sender has no more data to send. R, RST- Reset is an instantaneous abort in both directions (abnormal session disconnection). P, PSH- Push forces data delivery without waiting for buffers to fill. This is used for interactive traffic. The data will also be delivered to the application on the receiving end without buffering. U, URG- Urgent- Data is sent out of band.
UDP - one to many. I don't want to know if you receive these things and I don’t care much too. Less effort to construct a packet. Lightweight. Used for VoIP.
HTTPS uses asymmetrical encryption. Private and public key, therefore avoiding the catch-22 of how to negotiate safe encryption without transferring info to do so.
Subnet is 1111111 till they stop whenever after the first 0 is network address.
Telent - unsafe, historically console remote protocol. Friendly reminder, can be used as ping with ports. - every network, can't be used for host address.
cmd route print - prints active routes
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