Estapenss - May 17th, 2014

May 17th, 2014

May 17th, 2014
12:44 pm


I rehearse in front of camera. I go space set in basement.
Their terror calms me.
I did what I rehearsed and I crushed it.

The hardest with a hear of gold.

Film actors playing 4th,5th,6th level roles are wierd.
Is this is the bad one?

This list tells so much:
Dude worked hard and sometimes made it and sometimes not.

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02:50 pm


Girl is sleeping.
Girl is sleeping in other people beds.
Girl is crazy.

Write about how uzvaras piemineklis ir skaists. Water bender and s.hit. Uzspridzināt simbolu nav. Iespējams

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