Estapenss - April 7th, 2014
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08:54 pm
[Link] | We're all nothing but matter and energy and eventually the universe is going to die as if we never existed, so what's the point in trying to hope and fantasize in a world full of suffering and destruction where morality is dictated by force. Your consciousness is merely an electrochemical reaction inside a dying chemical reactor called the brain which, out of animalistic instincts to protect itself from pain, creates the illusion of meaning and significance in a reality that has none. Good, evil, morality and thought are nothing but illusions, with no absolute standard in the universe by which to prove their absolute existence as immutable physical laws.
Don't cling to pain. Don't expect happiness. Don't fear loss. Accept reality as it is. Enjoy the good. Endure the bad. Don't make a big deal out of anything. Be selfless, and unconditionally kind and just, without ever expecting a reward. We're all going to end up as piles of dust, so why not be nice to each other and get those pleasant fuzzies?
You avoid offending either side too much, since they can each take comfort in the fact that their enemies get just as much ridicule; you get to come off as a sensible person who thinks for oneself and doesn't blindly follow any one party line; and you get twice as many people to insult and make fun of.
struggle never ends.
Harry himself, in Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality. He knows that there is no God or meaning to the universe, so he decided to become God, and... optimize things.
Fate Worse than Death No matter what spark of human individuality you're clinging to — whatever hope, love or loyalty — you will betray it in Room 101. Safe, Sane and Consensual
Okay, Active Direction show me on the doll where Exchange touched you.
09:28 pm
[Link] | #sarunāju randiņu ar meiteni no internetiem #Tiku galā ar 1-one-1 sapulci 7 minūtēs
Tags: #success