vispaareejs`sajukums - 7. Februāris 2005 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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7. Februāris 2005

[7. Feb 2005|16:37]
"What instrument should you play in your band (metal)? :::pics:::"

Rhythm Guitar
Without you, there would be no guitar solos. There would be no foundation. Your job is to add solidity and edge to the rhthym and foundation of the song. You're a necesitty and the rest of the band leans on you for support.
Link51 iesmilkstējās|smilkstēt

[7. Feb 2005|17:00]
"Are you a good kisser"

Oh baby!!!!Kiss me
Oh a kissing slut lol hahaha your pretty damn giid give me a holler!
Link12 iesmilkstējās|smilkstēt

[7. Feb 2005|19:33]
Es vairs nebraukšu kopā ar savu māti. Tas ir vēl ļaunāk par instruktoru! Tēvs vismaz nekomandē, bet viņa.. grrr..
Link3 iesmilkstējās|smilkstēt

[7. Feb 2005|19:42]
"What piercing are you?"

You're not one of the popular kids, but who cares? you like it that way. you would rather die than be part of their crowd. you may doubt yourself at times but you know you're cool!
Link4 iesmilkstējās|smilkstēt

[7. Feb 2005|19:53]
Poll #6005
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

Iet uz Kobeindienu?

View Answers

5 (62.5%)

1 (12.5%)

tikai ar mani
2 (25.0%)


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[7. Feb 2005|21:30]
"What shoe are you?"

You don't care what you wear on your feet it's how healthy you are that counts!
Link6 iesmilkstējās|smilkstēt

[7. Feb 2005|23:14]
[Noskaņas: |miegs naak]

Rīt viss atsāksies. Jāpierod būs atkal agri celties. Negribas man uz Rīgu.. a ko padarīsi.

Es eju gulēt. Agri jāceļas. Ar labu nakti :)
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