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Saturday, September 14th, 2024

    Time Event
    I'm going to try to pass out now. it shouldn't bee too difficult except for the fact that I kind-of cannot because I'm not sufficiently drunk and also recovering from years of legal psychotropic satan abuse. reference to doomslayer. also, I'm now into lesbians. not oedipally (I hope). but really I talked to like 3 devils today and it doesn't even bother me anymore. I'm on motherfucking rails.
    man vajag gulēt. ja es negulēšu, es nevarēšu maksāt par savu nožēlojamu, pašam nevēlamo klātbūtni. man ir jāiet gulēt, bet tas nenotiek.
    ir biki smieklīgi, ka man e-adresē neatnāca ziņojums: "Jūs esat miris" tur miršanas apliecības numurs tāds un tāds.

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