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Monday, August 5th, 2024

    Time Event
    šodien man ir jauns gļuks: man sāk likties, ka es vnk piedzimu ellē, kas saucas "Planēta Zeme", un viss ir normāli, visos patiešām dzīvo sātans, nepārspīlējot, bet tas ir dabiskā lietu kārtība šeit. un ko tagad, bļa? glory kill all who ask for it.
    Break down
    Bury that
    Skeleton bodybag
    Spread the lie of your right
    To decide for me

    We are the tainted saints
    We got our souls burned black

    Death cult
    Follow that
    Bold-faced amnesiac
    Spread the lie of your right
    To decide for me

    Current Music: Faderhead - Souls Burned Black

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