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Februāris 17., 2006

[info]escimo15:57 - "Pump up the volume"
Tas ir "Pump up the volume" soundtrack's.Un man viņu vajag.Tev nav kaut kur aizķēries?

1. Everybody Knows - Concrete Blonde

2. Why Can't I Fall In Love - Ivan Neville

3. Stand - Liquid Jesus

4. Wave Of Mutilation (U.K. Surf) - The Pixies

5. I've Got A Secret Miniature Camera - Peter Murphy

6. Kick Out The Jams - Bad Brains

7. Freedom Of Speech - Above The Law

8. Heretic - Soundgarden

9. Titanium Expose - Sonic Youth

10. Me And The Devil Blues - Cowboy Junkies

11. Tale O' The Twister - Chagall Guevara

UPD:Ha!Dabūju pati šo to!

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