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Wednesday, January 28th, 2009

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    Library Books & More PKD
    Harry Mulisch, The Discovery of Heavened. Harold Bloom, Sylvia Plath (Critical Views)Elisabeth Bronfen, Sylvia Plath (Writers and Their Work)Linda Wagner-Martin, Sylvia Plath: A BiographyLinda Wagner-Martin, Sylvia Plath: A Literary LifeThe Plath books are in anticipation of my 2nd paper (due in 16 days). If anyone has any suggestions for books or articles about Plath or her works, I would love to hear them. I obviously don't have a focus yet.Patricia S. Warrick, Mind in Motion: The Fiction of Philip K. DickWhat If Our World Is Their Heaven?: The Final Conversations of Philip K. Dick Lawrence Sutin, Divine Invasions: A Life of Philip K. DickKim Stanley Robinson, The Novels of Philip K. DickThat last one is spooking me out. KSR is an award-winning writer (mostly science fiction). I've never read anything of his, but I've always known he was a UCSD alumnus (class of '82). I thought I was getting a book-book, and instead I find this is his dissertation. It's typewritten by hand (I remember having to do that - what a pain!) and 242 pages long with no index. Oy vey. But anyway, get this, I open up to the title page, and it has the whole "a dissertation submitted in partial satisfaction . . ." bit, and lists the dissertation committee, which includes Prof. Wesling (I've had him for Victorian Poetry) and Prof. Wayne. The class I'm taking right now, in fact, is taught by Prof. Wayne, and here I go picking up a book with his name on the title page. In light of that, I'm really surprised he didn't know that Time Out of Joint was written in the late 50s (not the 60s). I didn't get any feedback on my PKD topic. "OK" was all that was written on it.I don't have time to read all of the PKD books, so I'm hoping they have good indicies. It looks like I won't be touching the dissertation.

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