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Saturday, January 17th, 2009

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    A warm welcome to lisamaria (I picked up your lash tint recommendation), lisastrawberry, and rosabuddatchery. :)I can't decide whom I adore more - the postman or the UPS guy. Each of them delivered a package to me today. I must have been a good girl (that or else getting into trouble at thanks to certain bad influences).Juliet Barker, The Bronts: A Life in Letters [1st-edition hardcover]Robert Leggewie, Anthologie de la littrature franaise: Des origines la fin du dix-huitime sicle [pb]I already owned the Barker in paperback, but when lisastrawberry, viola_cesario, and I were talking about Bront non-fiction a couple weeks back, I just couldn't help myself when I saw the hardcover on sale for something like $6. Anyone want a like-new paperback?I've finished a couple books lately. I'll post about them late tonight or tomorrow morning. Last week, I had a post with quotes from Living Fiction and Swimming Pool (the Ozon movie), but somehow Windows crashed, and I lost it just before I was about to send it. *frustrated sigh*I also got a note from the library circulation desk today informing me that The Eyre Affair and Jeeves, Jeeves, Jeeves are ready for pick-up. Joy!

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