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Friday, January 16th, 2009

    Time Event
    Fitness Log: June 30 - July 6th
    It's not working so well to remember to update during the week, so I'll just post it all at once at the end of the week. Here's the bit I wrote on the 29th plus what I've done all week.BriberyI just about fainted when I got on the scale this morning. My lack of workouts since midterms and on-the-run meals added up to more than I thought. It will take most of the summer to get that off, but I'm not about to ruin years worth of hard work. I'm never going back.I've decided to bribe my myself with Yoga classes. I never did get around to finding a regular Yoga class in California (just a class here or there by different instructors). It's like finding a hairdresser. If you can't find quite the right one, you're lazy about going and go over a year without a haircut (OK, so maybe that's just me). Anyway, when I reach my mini-goal, I'll start taking weekly classes, at a different studio each time if necessary, until I find one I like. I eventually did find a prince of a hairdresser after having been sheared by a lot of frogs, so maybe this is a good omen for finding a great Yoga instructor. This will be incentive to get the scale moving in the right direction again.Mini-Goal: 15 pound loss (from today)Reward: weekly Yoga class7/7 update: Since I found out my 10% goal at WW is 19 pounds, I think I'm going to make the Yoga classes my reward for that instead since it's a big milestone.Monday & TuesdayI know I didn't do a major workout, but I forgot to write down whether I walked anywhere or not.WednesdayLeslie Sansone, WAP Express: Super Challenge (2003) (58 min.)level: Interm., impact: Low, choreo: Basicpoints earned: 5I did this around 10 or 11 p.m. I knew I wanted to go to bed in an hour, and I never feel like workout out at that hour, but I didn't want yet another day to slip past me. I was too braindead for Christi and too tired for Cathe, so I reached for Leslie.Thursdaywalk outside (60 min.)points earned: 3I had a wonderful evening stroll w/ DH. It's so much nicer once it cools off in the evenings.Fridaywalk outside (70 min.)points earned: 4This was the combination of a couple walks. We walked in the morning to Jamba Juice, then walked to run some errands later in the day.Saturdaywalk outside (30 min.)points earned: 2Walk to the post office and back to mail a couple packages.SundayCathe Friedrich, Step Fit (1997) (71 min.)level: Advanced, impact: Mixed, choreo: Moderatepoints earned: 9HR: 144 avg / 174 max23:36 below / 44:22 in zone / 1:27 above6" stepAround 10 p.m., I was feeling unusually bouncy and energetic. I was tempted to run up and down the hall at high speeds like Nikita. Unfortunately, I don't find that as entertaining as she, so I decided to do some step. I pushed the love seat back into the hallway, which is what I have to do every time I do a video due to space limitations. Once I do that, I have enough room for 8' x 8' of interlocking mats that absorb impact.Cathe's choreography is in the moderate range, but it's the intensity and power moves for which she's famous. Her workouts are high-bpm (140-150/minute), so you don't want to go above 6" unless you're a daredevil. Cathe's a petite lady (5'1" or so), and the high bpm gives an advantage to shorter people who don't have to swing legs as far. It's funny, until last year, I always thought Cathe and the crew were around my height and that Rhonda (one of Cathe's friends who's in nearly all the videos) was a giant Amazon. As it turns out, Rhonda is an inch shorter than I am, and it's everyone else who's very petite.Anyway, I had a lot of fun - especially with the "flying angels" move. It's been a long time since I've done one of Cathe's step videos. I'm so used to relying on her for strength only.Patricia Walden, P.M. Yoga (1998) (23 min.)level: Beginnerpoints earned: 2I can't go back to change anything in my online journal, but in the future, since it only accepts 10-minute intervals, I should round down for relaxing Yoga and round up for more energetic Yoga.This is one of my favorite Yoga videos. It's just perfect for winding down, and since my muscles were very warm and pliant from step, I was able to completely melt into the poses. Words can't describe how good it felt.Weekly Summarypoints earned: 25I didn't get a single strength workout done all week. Next week, I'm aiming for a few more points and a lot more variety.I think I'll post my nutrition updates on Wednesday since that's my WW meeting day and weigh-in.

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