erny stūrītis - April 25th, 2011 [ko tas Erny sheit ir sarakstijis? :) |pagrabs |draudziņi |kas ir ERNY un netikai! ]

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April 25th, 2011

[Apr. 25th, 2011|12:59 am]
[skaņas |Placebo]

Negribās neko rakstīt pēdējā laikā...

Esmu apmaldījies - galvenokārt sevī.

Not sure I understand,
This role I’ve been given.

I sit and talk to god
And he just laughs at my plans,
My head speaks a language, I don’t understand.

It is really not easy to understand -what is happening and where it leads.

Man atkal ir jāsaka, i have no fckg idea what is going to happen next... and that makes me crazy.
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