erny stūrītis - February 12th, 2011 [ko tas Erny sheit ir sarakstijis? :) |pagrabs |draudziņi |kas ir ERNY un netikai! ]

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February 12th, 2011

Today.. [Feb. 12th, 2011|04:22 pm]
[:) + ;) =)) |lonely]
[skaņas |Muzikjunki]

I'm totally empty.. i have all and nothing in the same time...
My mind is totally blank..
It's time to fill it up with NEW FUTURE..
It's very scary!! It takes a lot of energy and patience ...

I want to live and be proud and happy about my self -- now i'm totally miserable!
I wan't You to look at me one day and say: wow, i'm so happy about you, because i'm going to be happy!!
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