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Sunday, May 18th, 2003

    Time Event
    few guys from Finland were in Latvia and arrived back an hour ago. One of them asked me:
    - do you know the freedom monument in the center of Riga?
    - of course I do!
    - so tell me, what's the deal with the guy giving blowjob on it?

    appearantly on our freedom monument is depicted a guy who looks like he is giving a blowjob!


    who would have thought!

    Current Mood: amused
    just heard most amusing rumour!
    i'm not sure if it's true, and the guy who told me wasn't sure himself, but appearantly in Finland, where army is mandatory, you can skip it if you are gay!

    I would comment, but this is too good to be true! Not that I'm a gay or something! ;DDD

    P.S. Just for the record: I'm a lesbian! For those out there who are stupid explanation: Lesbians like females!

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