emils' Journal
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Thursday, April 24th, 2003

    Time Event
    Well, this morning had an erotic dream! Hadn't had one of those for long time, but the thing is I rememmber this one because it was right before wakeup call from my phone!
    And they say your dreams are based on your reality, but this one, although pretty cool and sexy, was completely out of blue! ;)
    I even fell asleep again to watch how it ends, but alas, no luck! ;D
    Better luck next time!
    shit, fuck
    the reason is very simple - yesterday harddisk of my computer just died. Probably the reason was that I was lifting the computer and banged the harddisk against a table, or something, really didn't notice, was in a hurry! But then it wouldn't start and DOS wouldn't recognize it, fdisk wouldn't find it, basicaly - partition info is gone and the hdd is fucked. Not that there was much info on it, although I would like to get my bookmarks back and little bit of other stuff! But probably that would work out, although where the fuck they store bookmarks on w2k nowodays!

    Now I have to reinstall the f-ing computer and that's what I'm actually doing!
    Last few days have been frantic. It has been obvious in my comments and posts - total nonsense! The strangest part is, I know I'm writing complete bullshit (not the complete collection of bullshit), but still it somehow doesn't register in my brain! I just keep on going! That's very weird!
    Only thing that I want to do is, pass out on my bed for at least 24h.
    That time will come around 23.00, because 22.00 is ALIAS! wanna see how it ends, siege at the SD-6!

    Current Mood: almost passed out
    Current Music: Haven't reinstalled the soundcard yet! ;)

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