emils' Journal
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Tuesday, April 15th, 2003

    Time Event
    Half Baked
    Who are you?
    We are detectives!
    So... detect!

    btw, good night

    P.S.start considering having my journal completely in english! ;)

    Current Mood: giggly
    Why I am so sleepy?
    It's Discovery Chanels fault!
    Once upon a time, not so long ago while TV surfing I accidentaly found the Discovery Chanel on the cable box!
    Yesterday I accidentaly put it on and couldn't switch it off, it was Soooooo interesting!
    Now I want to sleep!

    Conclusion: Mainot guleetieshanas laiku augshaamcelshanaas laiks nemainaas! ;D

    Current Mood: sleepy extremely I am
    on little lighter note - today is the payday!

    Money is not the most important thing in the world, but it relaxes!

    Current Mood: cheerful
    it (see previous entry)
    if it is enough, which in this particular case would be an overstatement!

    Current Mood: annoyed

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