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Drama Even When I'm Not Around [28 Dec 2008|04:48am]
Lion War says: (4:09:02 AM)
when we were younger

Lion War says: (4:10:15 AM)
me and oli from bmth used to be worst enemies for along long time, and he used to make my life hell, jonny used to be his best friend. so i used to try and avoid ever seeing them or doing little things to cause shit.

Lion War says: (4:10:24 AM)
oli and jonny fell out

Lion War says: (4:10:34 AM)
then me and oli became best friends ironically

Lion War says: (4:10:50 AM)
i basically got everything jonny had

Lion War says: (4:10:58 AM)
so i can imagine he hates me for it

Lion War says: (4:11:10 AM)
so i didnt want to make him dislike me more if you get me

Lion War says: (4:11:38 AM)
because thats just how i deal with things now

Lion War says: (4:11:39 AM)

Lion War says: (4:11:47 AM)
the end

eliza. says: (4:11:54 AM)
wasnt that long 

eliza. says: (4:12:03 AM)
well yeah. i get it

Lion War says: (4:12:03 AM)
i shortenedit down

Lion War says: (4:12:19 AM)
then i realized

Lion War says: (4:13:00 AM)
it was stupid not to get to know you

Lion War says: (4:13:04 AM)
cos i thought you were cool

Lion War says: (4:13:08 AM)
and i was right haha

eliza. says: (4:13:32 AM)

eliza. says: (4:13:44 AM)
well you did the right thing 

eliza. says: (4:13:46 AM)

Lion War says: (4:14:22 AM)
i know

Lion War says: (4:14:25 AM)
your awesome
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All Night MSN - awesome- superhero- gemini (playmates) [28 Dec 2008|06:17am]
[ music | Mayday Parade ]


Matt, You are the first person who ever has made drawing for me.
I'm really happy we made friends. Awesome.

p.s. Old playmates bring out old Eliza. That's scary. I wanna be good till the end.

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[ viewing | December 28th, 2008 ]
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