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Sep. 25th, 2006|04:11 pm


Despite of the fact that lot of people had got on my nerves today, (starting from yesterday in microbus) and could really get me(unknown people) - even don' t know why, the mood is great etc. etc. - Just crossing the road, thogh, don' t know why exactly in that moment, I finally got the true enlightening that - oh, f*, I' m in a such great possition and all what is being happening around me and with me is just so f* great! And today, despite of all these f* words expressing like and with f*, I can say - I truly love you life and am enjoying every moment of you! Is not I couldn't say that before, but now, is just another moment in present I can say that! Something like that...

mmm... what a f* - I have a sour tea... Just bought... Oh... never mind, tastes good - Caribbean :) Muahh...

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