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Aug. 25th, 2006|01:18 pm


Necessity and the fact of the rotation of the energy. Non-stopping flow of breathing it and giving back making these circles. And there is that necessity of getting loaded each time you are starting to feel the pressure of the consept of the reality. The primary impulse is starting to become weaker and you need to recharge it. Well, then the action breeds an inspiration and the inspiration revive the leading energy. But the main point is, where to get it? If we consume the fact that the equal enchains the equal, the first thing to manage is, that, if we are able to control our brain in the right way and our mind and thoughts in the correct passition and way, we can enchain the inspiration. It can express itself  in different aspects, like in people, quotes, random words, events etc. And so, we become recharged again. The main point is to understand the enormous power of our thinking. And that our point of view to the world and things, our way of thinking enchains all what is happening to us and how hard it will be to get clear and handle it. Ofcourse, one thing is to understand it, but the second is to accept it and work on it. It is very hard work to do, cause all the time we meet the doubt, emptyness, weakness, problems etc. But all these things come to give us a lesson or warnings. And to test us. If you had revealed your power to make your life how you want and had revealed the chain of explicable coincidences, you also may found out that the way of creating your mind world will be much more harder to do. This is why many of people deny it, they don't even try, cause living and blaming others and the destiny is like - easier for them.  Is that - we must see the dastiny, ofcourse it exists, but we need the previous thing to realy see it, it must match with the wishes of our inner space. The way - see clearly your wishes and goals, and beleive in reaching them. No doubt, no blame, learning and growing inside, working, working on yourself, keeping the circle of the flow and balance.

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