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back Aug. 11th, 2006|03:42 pm

And it came. The enlightenment. About why and how. In one question on which I found the answer by myself. So suddenly. I'm in my balance now and things seem so clear now. Where was I and how I got lost in that thought and black trivia hole? The balance is back, the confidance. And everything will happen how it is meant to happen and when, and in what kind of way. You must beleive and keep your confidence in hard handshake between you and the world, between you and your destiny and let the God, the destiny and your free will and positive actions, good works lead you through this, your life and path. Everything is just so simple, we are they who like to create difficulties around us, we are they who like to be sad sometimes, and like that - we are keeping slip deeper and deeper in negative things what cause us to be unhappy, unsuccessful, sick and have lot of different diseases. We are they who are responsible for our own happines, we are they who despite of bad weather or made bad mood can bring us back to life, just by understanding the reason and cause of the problem or difficulty. And we need to work on ourselves, more and more, and I need to work on my self, to never give up, to think positive and find solutions on my heavy heart. And it's only my problem if I'm not satisfided with other humans and what they are doing. With my mind and opinion about them I'm making myself to feel positive or negative and it's making me sick if they are disturbing me with their actions. It's in me if I cant handle it. I'm not supposed to be with them, my free choise to choose. All, all is our free choise. An please, don't entangle things and sittuations! Give without taking back, give without selfish thoughts, with the wish to get back. Live present and be inspired for the future.
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