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Always Look on the Bright Side of Life - July 15th, 2008

Jul. 15th, 2008 01:40 am ceļi...

Lai gan brauciens uz Krieviju pajuka...

Uzpeldēja bruaciens pa Eiropu, centrējoties uz Spāniju... Lai tikai mani senči dotu svētību un mazu finansiālo atbalstu. Ceru,ka viņi rīt būs labā omā!

Biedē tikai tas,ka nāktos būt prom no mājām veselu mēnesi! Tā tik būtu pieredze! Varbūt beidzot saprastu,ko vēlos :p

Current Mood: hopeful
Current Music: Breakfast at Tifanny's

Jul. 15th, 2008 07:32 pm Es esmu...

Your result for The What country are you? Test...


China is a rising star. You're doing well in the economy department, and you're really working at defense. You're a bit aggressive, and you're not really guided by morality. Open up a bit politically, too.

For your information, the possible countries in this test include: Haiti, North Korea, Albania, Russia, Vietnam, Turkey, Poland, India, Singapore, China, The Netherlands, United Kingdom, Libya, Tanzania, East Timor, Lithuania, Indonesia, Iran, Canada, Israel, Sweden, Australia, Germany, or the United States of America.

Take The What country are you? Test at HelloQuizzy

Current Mood: nervous
Current Music: Guano Apes - Big in Japan

Jul. 15th, 2008 07:59 pm Lugas :D

Your result for The Which Shakespeare Play Are You? Test...

Midsummer Night's...

You are A Midsummer Night's Dream. Blending elements of comedy and romance, A Midsummer Night's Dream tells the story of mischievous fairies who conspire to make everyone fall in love with everyone else, often with disastrous, yet humorous consequences. You are most likely haphazard in love, but good natured and friendly. While you may also have a mischievous side to you, it is most likely all in good fun. We have no doubt that you are an outgoing person, who may also be a bit of a klutz. And while you may not always get it right, you always try to do the right thing. We applaud you!

Take The Which Shakespeare Play Are You? Test at HelloQuizzy

Current Mood: amused
Current Music: The Cardigans - Lovefool

Jul. 15th, 2008 11:26 pm

Tētis skatās raidījumu par Coju.

Diezgan interesanti,jo pēc izskata viņš tāds ķīnietisks izskatās,bet māmiņa nemaz tāda neizskatās.

Biogrāfiskās filmiņas man ļoti patīk. Stils apmēram latviešu filmiņas stilā "Vai viegli būt jaunam" un "Vai viegli būt jaunam pēc 10 gadiem".

Viņam pat piemineklis uzcelts...

Pēdējais albums beidzas ar tekstu "Rīt sāksies karš..."

Dzīvojies pa Plieņciemu...

Eh, turpināšu skatīties....

Current Mood: impressed
Current Music: Zvezda po imenji solso

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