"true song as real as my tears"(c)Cake - January 25th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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January 25th, 2007

pathetic [Jan. 25th, 2007|03:53 pm]
es nav normāls. skatijos klipu, un uz beigām piefiksēju ka normāla reakcija būtu - pievērst uzmanībumu plikumiem. vai tekstam. bet es klausos balsi un gandrīz kaifoju.
dziesma - nekas īpašs.
un ne jau lai sajustos īpašs, es to saku - bet pasūrotos un izlūgties žēlumu.
vismaz man pietiek prāta klusēt.

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suicide? maybe another day [Jan. 25th, 2007|06:22 pm]
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"I went to rock and roll heaven, and I wasn't on the guest list."

(tā pati persona vēlāk - "I tried to kill myself with a Lady Bic. A pink plastic razor with daisies on it and a moisturizing strip.")

© «Empire Records»

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Sugar High [Jan. 25th, 2007|07:24 pm]

When I think about my life, I want to kiss myself goodbye )
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