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vampire?? Sep. 14th, 2006|11:04 am


""We have had to fight step by step against an extraordinarily obstinate desire for darkness." Yes, indeed, Emile, we have; or, rather, you have, you and your ilk. That is certainly not my fight, nor will it ever be, but I can applaud yours, and even, to my surprise, discover a couple of tears for the way it has been fought. And, do you know, sometimes I even think that some ground has been gained. But then I read, in Volume 6, Robert Emmet's speech from the scaffold, and I remember that Great Britain has banned songs that might even hint that all is not well in Northern Ireland, and I see that darkness is reclaiming its own.

But, as I said, this has never been my fight, and never will be. Darkness, I think, has its own charm, as long as one can see well enough to avoid tripping over the furniture. As for me, my only desire is the quite natural one to live; to continue my chain of existence. And even that doesn't matter much to me. That is a strange thing to say, but it has been going through my head since Jim brought it up, and it seems to me that I continue to exist, and I enjoy it, but should the end come, as it might soon, I will meet it with a shrug. This is no great virtue, nor any great flaw, it is simply my nature, and what man can contend with his nature?

But there, too—this is a strength. Zola and Emmet notwithstanding, strength does not come from passion for justice, it comes from not caring—about life, about justice, or what have you. If you are able to face an enemy, and not care what he does to you, then he cannot really hurt you. If you are able to say to a lover, "Do this or I'll leave you," and your lover wants you to stay, then you have power; it's that simple. If you are able to say to the judge, "Kill me if you want, I don't care," and the judge doesn't want to kill you, then you have the power. Now, it may be that the lover wants to leave you, and the judge probably does want to kill you, but if you can say, "I don't care," that is a strength they cannot take away.

Of course, you must mean it.

I seem to have reached a state where I can say these things and mean them, and it is this power that I enjoy. That is why I don't fear what Kellem may do. Certainly, I cannot escape her, in this she has the power. But because that doesn't matter to me, because I don't care if I live or die, she cannot really hurt me.

No one can hurt me.

But I can still shed a few tears for Emile Zola. "

I've heard women, and, lately, some men, talk of women acting stupid to please men, but in fact, I think, that is not what they are doing; it is not lack of wit or intellect that shallow men crave, it is lack of personality; they desire a woman who will exist only as a shadow to themselves, because this gives them the illusion that they have some importance, that they are more than cattle. Personality is what distinguishes us from each other, what makes each man and woman unique, and to submerge one's personality is to make one's self interchangeable, like a mass-produced commodity; yet the demands of instinct, the will to survive through reproduction, are strong, and if this is what it takes to fulfill that instinct, not many can fight it. "

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