Mar. 24th, 2008|08:34 pm |
Wikipedia 'Did you know' sadaļā šodien divi 'interesantumi' likās uzklikājiena vērti, bet atvēru tikai vienu. Varat minēt, kuru, un nekļūdīsieties.
1. '... that the blue bottle fly (Calliphora vicina), the green bottle fly (Lucilia illustris), the hairy maggot blowfly (Chrysomya rufifacies), the black blow fly (Phormia regina) and the coffin fly (Megaselia scalaris) are useful tools to forensic entomologists in determining the time of death of a corpse?'
2. '...that since 2006 Beijing has had a legal limit of one dog per family?'
UPD. Pārlasīju vēl un atvēru citu. |