1309 uz miroņa lādes, johoho, un pudele ruma |
Apr. 8th, 2012|02:06 pm |
"Titanic memorial cruise sets sail to wreck site"
"Relatives of some of those who died on the Titanic will travel to the site in the North Atlantic where the liner sank to mark 100 years since the disaster. [..] The ship, carrying 1,309 passengers - the same number as were on the Titanic - is due to reach the wreck site next weekend for a memorial ceremony. [..] Passengers will gather on deck for a memorial ceremony at 23:40 GMT, the exact time ship the hit the iceberg exactly 100 years on. Another service will be held at 02:20 GMT to mark the moment it sank. [..]. Passengers making the journey, who come from more than 20 countries, also include relatives of survivors, authors, historians and people who are fascinated by the Titanic story. They will eat meals from the Titanic's original menu and attend lectures given by historians and experts [..] Jane Allen, whose great uncle Tom Pears died in the disaster, is among passengers who have paid up to £6,000 ($9,000) to join the commemorative voyage. "I don't think it's ghoulish or macabre at all," said Mrs Allen.. [..] The Fred Olsen Cruise Lines-operated MS Balmoral was chartered for the 12-night journey by Miles Morgan Travel. Miles Morgan, managing director, said the company had sought to make the voyage "a sympathetic memorial to the passengers and crew who lost their lives".
Kaut kur pa rokai droši vien tomēr paslēpts piepūšamais aisbergs gadījumā, ja klienti tomēr pieprasa "izjust tās pašas šausmas, ko mūsu senči". Pēc kuģa sienu uzšķēršanas skaņas ieraksta un kapteiņa aicinājuma sekotu smieklu un kokteiļglāžu pilns stafetes skrējiens uz glābšanas laivām, zaudētājiem uzvalkos un vakarkleitās metoties peldbaseinā. Varbūt tikko nedaudz pārspīlēju, bet tiešām - ja gadsimts ir pietiekama laika distance, Dvīņu torņu vietā pēc 89 gadiem būs varena ballīte!