Sākumā vīpsna, lasot soctīkleņu čakli pārpublicēto rakstu par jauniegūtā kārtībnieka-varoņa tēlu amerikāņu policista veidolā. Sak, "skat, skat, atradies te Sam Vimes ", jo tikko vēl kā pārlasīts "Night Watch". Taču turpinu un atliek secināt, ka dzīvojam takš multiversā, un Pračetu lasa Visur, un kas tad tur, dažas sīkas paralēles šai konkrētajā realitātē:
"Lieutenant Lohr*, 41, had a scratch on his left eyelid from a scuffle that broke out during an arrest the previous night and a wad of chewing tobacco in his mouth. He wore no riot gear — just a standard-issue brown uniform — and held not a baton in his hand but his knit cap. [..] He never wears riot gear, even when he wades into a group of protesters to answer questions, resolve disputes or listen to a stream of insults. Protesters at the gates ask for him by name, so they can make complaints, for example, about the use of tear gas or of officers being too aggressive in arresting a woman."
Un šis te "They may not agree with what I’m doing, but now they at least know my name and my face", etc.
*Jerry Lohr (!)