There's life - April 19th, 2014 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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April 19th, 2014

[Apr. 19th, 2014|11:11 am]
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KF Valsts Domes sveiciens pirms Klusās sestdienas: 

"The Russian State Duma has approved the amendment to refer to bloggers as mass media while considering in second reading a bill from the "counterterrorism set." The amendment, drafted by Alexei Mitrofanov of the Just Russia faction, Andrei Lugovoi and Vadim Dengin both of the Russian Liberal Democratic Party, concerns creating a new category of users in the Internet called a blogger - a person, whose personal website or page in social networks has at least 3,000 visits per day, will be included in a certain registry and will be able, in particular, to post advertisements for a fee. Being listed in the registry will oblige the blog owner to check the accuracy of the information being posted, comply with campaign rules, not to circulate information about the private lives of citizens and will stipulate age restrictions for users. [..]"

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