There's life - March 6th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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March 6th, 2009

nāves grēka auglis [Mar. 6th, 2009|02:38 pm]
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Tags @ "a campire (sic!) and a tent and a flashlight and some matches and a tree and that river and my glasses and a spaceship and a really really big bear but the bear is really really far away".

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Mūžvecā tēma: Krievija kā drauds AEiropai [Mar. 6th, 2009|11:28 pm]
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[ausīs |Boredoms]

(kāds) Patriks Ārmstrongs saka tā: "[..]  The actual problems of the post-communist countries are all similar: corruption, outdated industry, bad work habits, decaying infrastructure, crashing demographics and fragile economies. Countries that had the full 70-year dose of communism are worse off than those who received the 40-year dose to be sure, but the problems are shared. NATO is not the answer to any of them.
There is no better illustration of this truth than the parlous state of Ukraine today. The post “Orange Revolution” obsession with NATO has only exacerbated the political division in the country.
And finally, why would Russia, which is surviving the financial storm better than most – if not all – of its neighbors, want to acquire these countries anyway? Much more trouble (and expense) than they’re worth. After all, there wasn’t much stopping Russia from seizing most of Georgia last August if it had wanted to".

Avots šeit.


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