There's life - January 6th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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January 6th, 2009

[Jan. 6th, 2009|01:08 am]
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Pārmērīgs orķestra izmantojums par grūti paciešamām padara pat ļoti labas kara filmas.

[Jan. 6th, 2009|04:14 pm]
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No drauga adreses saņēmu pēdējā laika labāko spamu - "..I had a trip to Lagos Nigeria for a purpose known to me but unfortunately for me I got robbed by some Gunmen on my way to the hotel [..]. All my credentials, passport and money were stolen along with my traveling bag. [..] I want you to lend me 2500 dollars so that I can use it to pay for the remaining hotel bills and get some clothes to also use it to get a new passport and to achieve what I came here to do..".

Vissimpātiskākais jau fakts, ka adreses laikam nu jau exīpašnieka kā diezgan fanātiska sociālantropologa aizdošanās uz Lagosu mani neizbrīnītu.

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