There's life - July 3rd, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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July 3rd, 2008

Atbilde-viedoklis uz kādu jautājumu 1998.gada septembrī [Jul. 3rd, 2008|12:08 am]
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Tātad, ir 1998.gads un Rietumvalstīs kniešas:

J: Can the appointment of Primakov be interpreted as a defeat for the reformist policies of Yeltsin?

A: ... The appointment of Primakov signifies a major weakening not only of the reform policies of 1992-1998 but, perhaps even more alarmingly, a de facto constitutional coup d'etat: the installation of a government responsible to the parliament, rather than the President. Given very deep ideological divisions in the Duma and its inability to form a working majority on anything except opposition to the President, a government controlled by the Duma could lead to a paralysis of power. I honestly wish this prediction be wrong but the Duma's record until now gives little ground for optimism.

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