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on being polite Aug. 18th, 2008|10:57 pm


Pirms dažām vasarām kāda uteņa apmeklējuma labākais ieguvums bija  The Official Politically Correct Dictionary and Handbook” 1992.gada izdevums, kas paskaidro, ka pretinieka bombardēšanu var saukt arī par 'terrain alteration', ja 'air support' lietot ir jau apnicis.

  • 'false teeth' korektā valodā esot 'alternative dentation' (līdzīgi kā nav 'illiterate', bet ir 'alternatively schooled');
  • pet - animal companion;
  • becoming a lesbian - body decolonization;
  • under the influence of alcohol or drugs - chemically inconvenienced, sobriety-deprived;
  • ugly - cosmetically different (piemērs, filma "The Good, the Bad, and the Cosmetically Different");
  • wife - domestic incarceration survivor;
  • DWEMs - dead white European males, who were not only responsible for creating the vast majority of the irrelevant art, literature, and music that still form the core of the modern university curriculum, but also conspired to formulate the dominant patriarchal industrial order;
  • janitor - environmetal hygienist;
  • patient, inmate, prisoner - guest;
  • unemployed - indefinitely idled, nonwaged;
  • white people - mutant albino genetic-recessive global minority;
  • corpse - nonliving person;
  • serial killers (etc) - persons with difficult-to-meet needs;
  • white male - racist, sexist.

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