Aug. 9th, 2008|12:40 am |
ko tieši? kas domāts ar 'reģionu'? citētā aģentūra pati neko viennozīmīgu nesaka. šķiet, vienīgajā brīvpieejas resursā viņu mājaslapā teikts: "Strategically, we said Russia would respond to Kosovo’s independence, and they have. Russia is now declaring the Caucasus to be part of its sphere of influence. We have spoken for months of how Russia would find a window of opportunity to redefine the region. This is happening now"
Bet pāris rindkopu tālāk jau: "The most important reaction will not be in the United States or Western Europe. It is the reaction in the former Soviet states that matters most right now. That is the real audience for this. Watch the reaction of Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Nagorno-Karabakh and the Balts. How will Russia’s moves affect them psychologically? [..]"
un bij. padomjbloks tā īsti neko nesaka, t.i. teksti īpaši neatšķiras jebkādos komentāros par jebkuru kariņu. |