par braucienu maajaas   
11:56pm 23/03/2005
  jee, tagad esmu latvijaa!!! betr tas veids ka atiku shurpu bija action pilns.

1dien 7os saaku stopeet uz berliini (600km). un 12 stundaas sho celju tomeer arii pieveicu. Ai, bet siikaak tagad staastiit negribas - miedzinjsh naak!

Oh.. my journey from your place to the airplane was a dramatic experience as itself... The postoffice was closed, so I couldn't get any money and a guy I met on the street didn't want to help me out. The ticket machine didn't acdept my card. Then I asked for help a lady and after that she gave me those 2 euros. The time on the ticket was 5.35 (but I had to take the 5.30 train) I didn't know where to go at the alez\xanderplatz, but I found the right place. At Ostbahnhof the Re train left 8min later. I didn't take the sxf shuttle and arrived 2 min laterthan the other. The place was COMPLATELY FULL and people were already getting on the plane.. I had to wait a possibly 50min que. I had a wrong acception code and it took me a long time to get my ticket. But finally the check in lafy asked for latvians and ai could ckeck my luggage in. Only ten minutes to 7 I got into the passport and safety check que. It took long time and after that I couldn't find the rigt gate (it was on the ground floor - opposite to my experience of the 2nd floor). But there was another safety chek... (whyyyy....) Then the customs guys were suspiciously watching my passport, but they let me trough. But there wee 2 other people arriving after me. And so the door closed 3 or 5 min after my arrival. And I felt SOOO good after all being there!!!!! Yeah, lots of additional adrenaline and meybe a bit closer to boldhairness... :)