Today is the most weird day of my past year... I am not able to think clearly, nor am I able to make my mind up Sitting in school, not wanting to do anything, i want to do everything, I have to force myself to shut up and mind my own business Later on I want to have an early leave from school, staying and making huge independent project. Waiting in the busstop, can't decide to go on foot, take a trolley or a bus...end up in walking for 2 stops and taking a bus at the end. but just gets better... at lunch i dont know what to eat & end up eating food I didn't really want to eat- potatoes instead of rice, soup- instead of salad and so on... Most fun starts later on in the evening, when I suddenly realise that I don't want to buy the laptop I wanted to buy today. That's it- i want it, but i don't want it. the confusion goes on, when I can't make my mind up- to stay in Riga or go to Ogre. I do not want to go those 90km altogether, i do not want to stay there, but I am not keen on staying in the apartment. Then I sms some friends to find out their plans- to help make my mind up... I want to do something, not stay at home, perhaps have a drink or two, but, when they reply, I am not sure if I want to leave the house...:D
Weird, huh?:D I guess, I have finally lost my mind!:D Hava, hava nagilah, la la la la la ...:D (this was from todays the simpsons episode, when Bart got used to sattelite tv and could not pass the SAT tests...he flipped his wig during the test and people in his head started singing Hava Nagilah)fiilingz i :  crazy man skan:: Hava Nagilah