February 1st, 2006 |
kārtējo dienu aizdomājos par globālām tēmām... Saka, ka cilvēkiem piemīt laba īpašība- izpalīdzīgums...vai ne? Bet...kurā brīdī šis izpalīdzīgums pārtop pielīšanā? Kurā brīdī tavs izpalīdzīgums pārvēršās kalpošanā? Itkā jau ir patīkami kādam izpalīdzēt, likt justies kaut nedaudz labāk... bet no otras puses- jo vairāk dosi, jo vairāk ņems, apetīte aug ēdot, kā saka... tad nu es sāku domāt- vai mana izpalīdzēšana patiešām arī ir izpalīdzēšana... vai mani neizmanto?cik tālu var atļauties palīdzēt, lai tā sauktos kalpošana...? Man jau liekas, ka tas ir stipri individuāls pasākums, bet tomēr nenosakāms... padomājiet vai rī jūs jums itkā tuvi cilvēki- draugi, radi, paziņas- vai arī viņi jūs neizmanto bik par daudz?fiilingz i : thinking- first time this year man skan:: Hospitāļu iela- vilcene
Why don't we get the love we need so desperately? Does nobody really see, we need some careing and attention? Is it so hard?To show some compassion, to at least try to make us feel better? Just a little talk, is that too much to ask? I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies, that are all around us...the unfaithful people... I admire people who can make me feel a lot better even in a really short period of time... The past few days have been really hard and challenging for me, they have been hard, full of sh*t and have broght me to my knees a few times...I just hope that this nonsence will end in the nearest future i am getting used to not being appreciated, being lied to, made fun of... But it is so very hard to keep a neutral stance, not using aggression, without violence and without letting the world see my reaction I'm really sick of hiding my feelings, i would like to express them, to let everyone see my attitude to them. NO!...I shall not do that, because giving up is a kind of weakness...I take it as showing my weakness & a shallow personalityfiilingz i : crappy man skan:: AK69-Draugs
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