sviesc - Post a comment

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God gave us technology...January 30th, 2008 - 03:57 pm
Technology is ment to serve people not vice versa!:)
May I move out and go live in a cave & have fun using crayons and fire?
I'm starting to get sick of the technology of nowadays...
1)The stereo in my room...
then there's a phone turning on and off all by itself
...Let's not forget the positive impacts of Windows Longhorn public edition ( also known as windows Vista) a service operator calls to tell me, that one of my phones has recieved warranty denial
& offers to repair a phone, i paid 9 lats for, for a price NOT LESS than 15 lats... she must have had her head pressed in the elevatr door...
So, to sum up, Ericsson sux donkey ass, so does VISTA, I'm going slowly back to old technology...and, who knows...maybe I should start looking for a fixed line phone & a typewriter...:)
I absolutely adore these things!
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