sviesc - back to basics

About back to basics

Previous Entry back to basicsOct. 8th, 2007 @ 12:31 am Next Entry
Seems I am returning to basics, to my inner self for the moment- using my old phone, old pc, going to regular sightseeing places, thinking shizo thoughts & listening to eminem & d12!;)
...makes me think...somehow...
i don't even long for newer things at the moment knowing I can have them whenever I want to!;p
...soo...this actually was supposed to be my farewell message...
I allready know I will not be able to stand my companion kfor so long, but i promise i'll try..I will write things down....& perhaps, who knows- publish them here!;)
+ update!!!my pc has changed the date to april, 7th,2007 automatically, so the client won't publish this properly...changed the date...hope this works!;D
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