sviesc - total eclipse of the heart!

About total eclipse of the heart!

Previous Entry total eclipse of the heart!Oct. 4th, 2007 @ 11:23 pm Next Entry
So...I'm going abroad....
Sounds nice!;)
doesn't it?! But...somewhere deep inside i do not want to go...
and the more days pass, the less I want to go! ;(
all i need and want now, is Ogre- the house, the forest..
mushroom picking, bicycling, ircha,......
Feel sad...
& my new best music frieng is lithuanian singer jurga!:)
...5th season is the best song ever & some older songs are terrific as well!;)
btw...can't get used to the fact I no longer use a nokia platform based mobile phone!....all i want is the old and trusty 6230i!:((((
...guess old values are coming back to me!;)
fiilingz i : ---
man skan:: James Blunt - All the lost souls & Back to Bedlam cds
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